
Telephone Game Christmas Sentences

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Name of Group Game: Telephone Pictionary
*Special thanks to Chris Chu for providing the group game idea
*Special thanks to Antonia Kam for helping with this game



Telephone Pictionary is a hilarious cross between the telephone game and the dictionary drawing game. Phrases need to be drawn, and other players try to draw them. As the books continue to be passed along the line, the message starts to get lost! The game is a party game / stationary game. How to Play the Telephone Charades Game: 1. Split everyone into teams of five or more (can have teams of up to 10 people each). Ask each team to stand in a line. Explain the game: You (the moderator) will be showing an action scene to the person at the front of the line, with no words or sounds. Telephone is a fun game for kids. Players whisper a phrase to each other and laugh as the phrase is misunderstood and repeated incorrectly.

Small Group (more than 6 people) to

Age: Middle School – Adults

Time: 20 – 30 minutes

Summary: Similar to the game of telephone, except with using pictures and phrases! See how distorted the flip books become as each person goes through it.

Goal: To interpret the pictures and phrases as accurately as possible.

– Making Paper Booklets: Take 8 x 11” pieces of paper (portrait). Fold and cut the pieces of paper in half horizontally, so that they will be 8 x 5.5″. Then, give each person 5 pieces of paper. Have them fold the paper in half vertically (4 x 5.5″) and make paper booklets. Staple the pieces of paper at its book spine.
– A pen for each participant
– Chairs and a table which people can sit around

How to Play the Telephone Pictionary game:
1. Ask everyone to sit in a chair around the table. Once everyone has been given a paper booklet and pen, you can explain the game. Each person is to write a short familiar phrase or sentence on the cover of the booklet, for example: “I believe I can fly” or “Rock paper scissors”. Give everyone one minute to write a phrase down. Next, tell everyone to pass their booklet to the person to their right.

2. Each person will read the phrase on the cover of their new booklet, flip the cover page, and draw a picture of their interpretation on the right side of the booklet. Give everyone one minute to draw a picture of the phrase. Then tell everyone to pass their booklet to the person to their right, with their picture open and visible.

Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace

3. Next, the person will look only at the picture that the person to their left has drawn. In their new booklet, tell them to flip the page, and draw a short phrase that interprets the picture (on the right side of the booklet). Give everyone one minute to write a phrase down.

Telephone game sentences for adults

4. Continue this pattern of drawing pictures and writing phrases until each person receives their own booklet back. Then, have each person go through their own booklets and showcase each page in front of the group.

Variation for Large Groups:
1. Split everyone up into teams of 7-10 players and ask each team to sit around a table. Give every team a booklet and a pen.

2. Announce an initial phrase for the first person to write on the cover. Then, have the first person flip the cover and draw a picture of their interpretation on the right side booklet (complete steps 2-3).

3. Once the booklet reaches the original person, you’ll be the judge on whose booklet is “the most accurate” OR “the most creative” (your choice) to the original phrase.

Initial Phrases:
– “I believe I can fly”
– “Show me the money”
– “Gone go fishing”
– “Life is like a box of chocolates”
– “I’ll be watching you.”
– “Three blind mice”
– “E.T. phone home”
– “I’m the king of the world”

Telephone Game Christmas Sentences Printable

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Telephone Game Sentences For Adults

To add this game to your website or blog, just copy and paste the following URL: https://www.greatgroupgames.com/telephone-pictionary.htm
