
Sample Emcee Script For Seminar

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Nov 26, 2014 - Writing an emcee script for an event? Here are six key elements and samples that'll make your first five minutes on stage engaging, smooth. Emcee Script 1. BEFORE THE SEMINAR *****Ladies and gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please be seated. I have a few housekeeping notes to make before we begin today’s program. First, I would like to seek your cooperation in completing this seminar. Kindly switch your mobile phones to silent mode to avoid interruption.

Each and every event you do as an Emcee will be different, so it’s impossible to give an actual Emcee Script that you can use for every occasion.


However, we have assembled the next best thing!

A collection of lines, phrases and words that you can use to slot in to any Emcee Script! We have also provided links to several other popular articles here on the website that will help you write specific sections of your Master of Ceremony Script.

So, whatever it is you are writing, be it …

Emcee script

Emcee Script for School Program
Emcee Script for Seminar
Emcee Script for Opening Ceremony
Emcee Script for Event
Emcee Script for Wedding
you’ll find some useful bits here.

In the Resource you will find snippets that can be used for …

Emcee Greetings
Emcee Opening Remarks
Introducing Speakers
Thanking Speakers
Emcee Closing Comments

We also include my personal collection of Powerful Words. Use these to beef up any Emcee Script you are writing.

We know you will find plenty of useful material. Treat this as an ideas source rather than a finished script. Like a buffet meal, select little bits from each section and put them together like a Jig Saw Puzzle!

We strongly suggest you Bookmark this page. We will be adding to it over time.

Now, what are you trying to write?

Is it an Opening Speech?
A Speech to Thank a Speaker?
or do you just need some great lines to get you started as the MC?

If you would like a more in depth article on each of these topics, please follow these links.

The Emcee Script Source Files

Greetings & Welcomes

Sample Emcee Script For Seminar

Good morning,
Good afternoon,
Good evening

Dear Friends
Dear Customers
Dear Members
Dear Delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to the …
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the ….
You are about to …
Come with us …
Get ready to enjoy …
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the …
Let me begin by giving you a warm welcome to the…
Thank you so much for being here …

Opening Questions

Wouldn’t you like to …?
Are you ready for …?
Don’t you wish …?
Are you interested in …?
Will you be ready for …?
Isn’t it time you…?

Opening Grabbers

It’s not every day that …
You’ve probably noticed that …
Think about this …
Believe it or not …
It’s never too late to …
First of all … Bakugan battle brawlers tv show.

Challenge the Audience

Cerita wiro sableng. Indonesia, the 16th century, Wiro Sableng, a disciple from a mysterious Warrior named Sinto Gendeng, got a mission from his Master to take down Mahesa. Cerita Silat Wiro Sableng 212. Cerita Silat Wiro Sableng 212. Privacy Terms. Cerita Silat Wiro Sableng 212. 6 people like this.

Do something extraordinary!
Delve into …
Sample the …
If you think you’re good enough …
If you’re seriously interested in …

Introduction of Speakers / Entertainers

Mr/Mrs …, the floor is yours.
Would you please welcome
Would you please join me in welcoming .
It is my pleasure to welcome …

To show us how to ….
It’s an absolute honour to bring to the stage …
To get some of his insights into the topic

At last
Now for the first time
You’ll love …
Sit back and enjoy

Phenomenally successful

Proven techniques
Carefully tested

Transitions between Speakers and Activities

All this and more!
If questions like these intrigue you …
And that’s not all
And there’s more
Last but not least
Now there’s an even better way
You’ll be glad to know that…

And we don’t stop there …
And that was only the beginning
And if that wasn’t enough …
Now that, was only part of the story

We have a very special guest …
To show you what we mean
Now for the surprise

Thanking Speaker Pokemon moon rom for ds emulator.

We know you are a busy person
Thankyou for taking time out of your busy schedule
Thanks for sharing with us
Thankyou for the insights
Plenty of food for thought
Your thought provoking
The truth about
Your frank discussion
Your valuable insights

Closing Words

I thank you for coming …
We hope that the programme …
Have a nice day
Have a great weekend
We look forward to seeing you at next years event
Hope you will travel safely home
Hope you will put into practice the lessons from this event
There’s no point in coming to an event like this unless you do something with the lessons
We hope you achieved what you came here to achieve
We hope you met some interesting people

201 Powerful Words

Why use ordinary words in your Emcee Script when you can use Powerful Words?

Add these into Openings , Intros, Calls to Action and Thank You’s.

I started putting this list together when I had to Emcee some Talent Shows and wanted different words to use each time.

I’ve subsequently used the list at Product Launches, Trade Shows Exhibitions etc.


The One & Only

Packed with
Bucket loads of Information
A wealth of …
Chock full of
Loaded with

Free Sample Emcee Script For Seminar

Long awaited
Long overdue
It’s finally here
Just when you thought …
At last there’s

In depth
Everything you wanted to know about …

Most Distinguished


Designed to suit your needs
Created especially for you
Suited to your purpose



The latest
State of the art
Brand new
Bold new
Latest Technology
Designed for today’s …
The … of the future

Raw Power

An investment in your future
Skills you will use your whole life long
Gives you a competitive edge
A clear advantage
The road to success
Invest in yourself

Don’t hesitate
You’ve waited long enough
Don’t miss this opportunity
Take this important next step

Please help us
We cannot continue our work without your help
A future filled with hope and promise
Help us reach our goal
I hope you will join us in contributing

Note – The full Expert MC Toolkit & Resource manual has an additional 100 pages of material specifically for MCs. Lines, Openings, Thank You’s Stories, Jokes & Quotes. Check it out here.

You have been accepted as a leader in your company or your community. You have been asked to serve as a program chair for a dinner or master of ceremonies (otherwise known as MC, or emcee) for a more lavish event. It's quite an honor. It means you are known by the audience and respected by the people putting the event together. If you do it well, you are admired anew and you grow in stature within your company and with all those in attendance.

Your First Responsibility - To Open the Event

Your first responsibility is, of course, to open the event, to welcome everyone. Usually you will do this from a platform or a stage. How you do it creates the climate for the meeting. You either lift the audience and build anticipation, or you bore them and create apathy. As such, you are the catalyst. You carry the audience on your shoulders. At this point, they are a clean slate. You are the artist who determines what is painted there.

Many years ago, there was a great speaker named Percy Whiting. He would always greet the audience by asking in a booming, microphone-aided voice, 'Can you hear me in the back over there?' while pointing to the far right corner. A few brave members of the audience in that corner would shout back, 'Yes, we can hear you!'

Percy would then turn and gesture to the far left corner while booming, 'Can you hear me in the back over there?' The answer would come back, 'Yes we can!' Then Percy would say at the same high volume level and with his arms outstretched, 'Well, then, let's begin!'

You Are the Focal Point

Here's what Percy Whiting accomplished by opening in that way:

  • He became the focal point. All side conversations ceased. He got everyone's attention and brought the group to order.

  • He achieved audience interaction. Members of the audience actually spoke out loud. Amazing!

  • He created excitement. The anticipation level started off on a high.

That was what he wanted to accomplish. That was his purpose. Yet it all seemed so natural as far as the audience was concerned. It was fun, and it stirred everyone to attention.

Identify Key People in the Group

In the crowd, of course, will be significant people within your organization. They need to be recognized for any number of reasons - if nothing else, they have marquee value with the audience, and their noted attendance will lend prestige to the event. Let's use an example. We'll assume that you are the program chairman for a fund-raising event for your local YMCA. There are seven hundred people present. Once you have opened the session and welcomed those in attendance, you need to give ample recognition to the officers, the directors, and the people who were responsible for putting the event together.

Do it individually for the key people. Decide with them beforehand if they will stand when their names are mentioned. Make sure you know how to pronounce their names. If you muff an important name, you're a dead man - or woman. And it feels bad, too. If there is a difficult name, ask its owner how it's pronounced. Then say it back to them at least three times. Then write it phonetically in your notes. Then say it five times to yourself before your moment of truth.

Provide the Common Bond

Next, tell the audience 'why we are all here.' This critical opening statement tells the crowd why your prominent panel of speakers is taking the time to be present and offers a connecting common thread that brings the speakers and the entire audience together. You need to find this thread, state it, and connect everyone.

An Example of an Opening

We are here tonight because the 'Y' is, in some way, important to each of us. Certainly many of us use the Y regularly as an adult fitness facility. And it's the best and most affordable one in town. But that's not where the great Y legacy comes from. It comes from what it has done for kids. Probably 75 percent of you folks in this room can remember a time when you were a kid and the Y made a positive difference in your life.

And though the Y has programs for every age group, kids are what we are all about. The Y has no equal for providing programs for the development of kids from toddlers through the teen years.

I'd like to share a quote about kids from one of our great presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. He said: 'Every kid has inside him an aching void for excitement. If we don't fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and good for him, he will fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and which isn't good for him.'

The Y has been supplying that excitement in a way that's good for kids since it began in 1850. But it can't do it without the help and support of people like you. Thank you for being here.

Why It Works

Now imagine yourself in the audience hearing what you just said. It's pretty good, isn't it? There had to be a beginning. The session had to be opened. The audience needed to be connected to one another and to the event. And you just did it. You've given the event a common denominator and a perspective. Everyone present is now 'tuned in.'

The very next thing you should do is give the audience an overview of the agenda. Tell them what to expect. Include an indication of how long the program will be. Now your listeners are comfortable. They know the parameters. They will settle in.