
Dialog Bahasa Inggris

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Dialog Pertemuan Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya. Artinya: Secretary: Selamat pagi, Bapak dan Ibu sekalian. Selamat datang di rapat mingguan kita pada hari ini. Bersama kita telah hadir, pimpinan kita, Mr. Sekarang, marilah kita mendengarkan kata sambutan dari beliau untuk membuka rapat kita hari ini. Heidy, kami persilahkan. Meskipun demikian, banyak orang yang minder melakukan percakapan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Jika Anda salah satu dari mereka, jangan khawatir. Anda bisa percaya diri berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sepanjang Anda rutin latihan.

  1. Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik

Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik – Teman – teman sedang mencari sebuah gambaran sebuah interview kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris? Kebetulan sekali pada artikel berikut ini admin memberikan sebuah contoh percakapan saat interview atau wawancara kerja. Langsung saja simak percakapannya berikut ini.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Interview Kerja

This is Conversation between Amirotul Khaidar as interviewing and Linda Ismawati as interviewer.

Linda : Good morning.

Amy : Good morning. What can I do for you?

Linda : I’m student from Indonesia. I would like to ask about the information of this University.

Amy : sure, sit down please.

Linda : Thank you Mom, could I start mom?

Amy : All right. What is your name?

Linda : My name is Linda Ismawati.

Amy : What is the University that you study before?


Linda : I graduated from University of Indonesia who took in Economy of Management program there. I want to register in this University of Tokyo, but I have not got the information about the requirement yet. But first I want to know about the condition this university before it.

Amy : all right.

Linda : I hear that this university is one of the university which is good quality in Japan.

Isn’t it?

Amy : yes, you are right. You know that this The University of Tokyo is the university in Japan that we usually called it “Todmai”. The University of Tokyo (known as Todai) is Japan’s most prestigious university. Because, Todai is conducting a wide range of research in humanities, social sciences, and natural, sciences, while making constant efforts to create an interdisciplinary and cutting-edge academic curriculum.

Linda : Excellent! How many campuses that university has mom?

Amy : emm..the university contains 3 campuses, Hongo, Komaba, dan Kashiwa.

Dialog bahasa inggris singkat

In addition, some the facilities in university of Tokyo locate in the other subdivision from Tokyo and country. Most of the faculty and postgraduate from university. eee locate in Hongo Campus.

Linda : oh, so there are 3 campuses in Todai, Hongo, Komaba, dan Kashiwa. what about the Komaba Campus? Where does this locate?

Amy : eee..The Komaha campus that locates in part of Komaba Meguro-ku, Tokyo is eee 35 hectare.


Linda : Is the facility of this campus more complete than the others?

Amy : eemm..There is no significant differences about the facility, this campus provide the facility such as, Graduate School of Art and Sciences, College of Art and Sciences, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and institute science that held in this Campus.

Linda : What about the Kashiwa Campus mom?

Amy : The Kashiwa Campus is the new from the others one, it is located in the Kashiwa City, prefecture ciba, the edge of Tokyo.

Linda : yeah, I think that it is very big university. What about the student activity?

Amy : you know! The students of this university always held two festivals annual that is called Festival Komaba hel in November in Komaba Campus eemm organizes by Students. And Festival Mei or “Gogatsusai” in Hongo Campus that it is beheld by a committee that contains from all scholar students.

And the last one is the program which is held for three days and this is the opportunity for student to promote the academic activity and non academic for citizen. Now day, this university held introducing this Campus for student in Senior High School for annual program ee..that that introducing of campus life for senior high school students that hope studying in this campus. What is the program study will you take in Todai?

Linda : I will take cooperation international program there. What is the requirement?

Amy : there are any qualifications, you must have 500 score for toefl, and you have to submit the documentation to the administration in this campus. And wait the confirmation in there.

Linda : Thank you for the information mom.

Demikianlah Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik. Anda hanya butuh sebuah kamus untuk menerjemahkan kata – kata yang sulit. Semoga artikel ini bisa berguna bagi para sarjana baru yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Terima kasih!!!

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Contoh Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris di terminal berikut ini menggambarkan suasana sebuah terminal yang dialami Budi ketika memesan tiket. Setelah memesan tiket, Dalam contoh-contoh percakapan bahasa inggris di terminal tersebut Budi didatangi seseorang yang tidak dikenal mengajak ngobrol dan menawari minuman gratis. Untungnya Eko yang baru saja membeli makan ringan datang dan segera mengajak Budi temannya pergi. Eko menanyakan minuman yang dibawa Budi apakah membeli atau pemberian. Ternyata minuman itu pemberian orang tak dikenal dan dikhawatikan mengandung sesuatu yang berbahaya untuk menipu budi.

Contoh – Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Terminal Bus Situation at Bus Station

*BS = Bus Station Security Staff
Budi : Excuse me, Sir.
BS : Yes. May I help you?
Budi : Yes, Sir. I want to go to Sukabumi, yet I’m not sure which bus I should take.
BS : Well, if you want to go to Sukabumi from this station, you then need to take Bumi Putera bus. It goes in route of Jakarta – Sukabumi.
Budi : Where can we buy the tickets, Sir?
BS : You can go there [pointing out at some place], that’s the place to buy tickets. Then you choose the right ticket counter and get into the line according to the bus you are going to take.
Budi : Alright. Thank you for the help, Sir.
BS : Yes. Be careful on your trip.
Budi : Thank you, Sir.

[At the ticket counter]
TCC= Ticket Counter Clerk
Budi : Excuse me. Is this the right bus ticket to Sukabumi?
TCC : Yes. How many tickets do you want?
Budi : Two, please.
TCC : Is it business or executive class?
Budi : Business class, please.
TCC : The price is Rp. 100,000 for two tickets. You can take the bus tomorrow. Please, come earlier before the bus leave. Thank you.
Budi : Thank you.
[The next day at the station]
Eko : Oh no, I think we are going to run out of snacks. I’m going to buy some, you want to come with me?
Budi : Um… No, I’ll wait here to keep our belongings.
Eko : Alright.

Stranger: [suddenly an unknown man sits besides Budi] Hello, where are you going, Kid?
Budi : Um… we are going to Sukabumi, Sir.
Stranger: We? You’re here with someone?
Budi : Yes. I’m going with my friend.
Stranger: Where is your friend?
Budi : He’s buying some snacks.
Stranger: It’s so hot today, huh?
Budi : Yeah, it’s really hot today.
Stranger: You are going to Sukabumi for what? Vacation?
Budi : Oh, no, we’re going to home.
Stranger: Oh, I see. So, what have you been doing in Jakarta all along, by the way?
Budi : I and my friend were working in Jakarta. Now we are not working here anymore and we decided to come back to Sukabumi.
Stranger: I see. Ugh, this weather really makes me thirsty. Hey, I bought some drinks. Here’s for you. You must have been thirsty waiting for your friends.
Budi : Thank you for the drink, Sir. [Budi was about to drink, suddenly…]
Eko : Budi! The bus has arrived. Let’s get on it. I’ve bought the snacks as well.
Budi : Ha? Alright, I’m coming! Good bye, Sir. [leaving the stranger]

Eko : You bought that drink?
Budi : No, a man gave it to me.
Eko : Huh! Throw it off! Did you drink it? That drink could be dangerous!
Budi : Oh, my God! [Throwing the drink off] I didn’t realize it. I was too thirsty. Thank you, Buddy. You’re saving my life.
Eko : It’s a public place. There are a lot of hidden crimes in here. We need to stay aware.
Budi : Right! Thanks again, I don’t know what would have happened to me if you didn’t come at the right time.

Glossaries (kosa kata) Contoh – Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Terminal Bus

Bus Station Security Staff: Staf Keamanan Terminal Bus
In route of Jakarta – Sukabumi: dalam rute Jakarta – Sukabumi
Pointing out at: menunjukkan tangan ke arah
Get into the line: mengantri
Trip: perjalanan
Run out of : kehabisan
Belongings: barang bawaan
Vacation: liburan
All along: selama ini
Weather: cuaca
Bought (VII buy): membeli
You must have been thirsty: kau pasti sudah haus
As well: juga
Throw it off!: buang itu!
Realize: sadar
Hidden crimes: kejahatan tersembunyi
Stay aware: tetap waspada