
Om Namah Shivaya Words

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Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Om Namah Shivaya Shiva is the destroyer of the ego, and the witness of all that passes. All sorrow stems from identification with transient things, all happiness from identification with the eternal. Om namah Shivaya = Om salutations to Shiva, literally, or metaphorically, I am at one with the infinite. Om Namah Shivaya, Hara Om Namah Shivaya Shiva is the destroyer of the ego, and the witness of all that passes. All sorrow stems from identification with transient things, all happiness from identification with the eternal. Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most popular Hindu Mantra and the most important mantra in. These words are chanted by characters Yogi & Reggie as in the 2014 video game Far Cry 4 as the protagonist experiments with their.

  1. Om Namah Shivaya Tattoo
  2. Om Namah Shivaya Youtube
  3. Om Namah Shivaya Meaning English

Das folgende Mantra singen wir zu Beginn jeder Yogastunde. Um deine Kontemplation zu vertiefen hier die Worte und Erläuterungen….

Oṃ Namaḥ Śivāya is one of the most popular Hindu mantras and the most important mantra in Shaivism.

Its translation is “adoration (namas) to Śiva”, preceded by the mystical syllable “Aum”.

Om Namah Shivaya mantra is sung by devotees in prayers and recited by yogis in meditation. It is associated with qualities of prayer, divine-love, grace, truth and blissfulness.

Traditionally, it is accepted to be a powerful healing mantra beneficial for all physical and mental ailments. Soulful recitation of this mantra brings peace to the heart and joy to the [Ātman] or Soul. Sages consider that the recitation of these syllables is sound therapy for the body and nectar for the soul [Ātman]. The nature of the mantra is the calling upon the higher self; it is the calling upon shiva, the destroyer deity, to aid in the death (destruction of ego) and rebirth achieved during meditation. This goes generally for mantras and chants to different gods, which are different aspects of the higher self.

Our Invocation

ॐ नमः शिवाय गुरवे

सच्चिदानन्द मूर्तये

निष्प्रपञ्चाय शान्ताय

निरालम्बाय तेजसे


Namah Shivaya Gurave

I offer myself to the Light, the Auspicious One,

Who is the True Teacher within and without,

Saccidananda Murtaye

Who assumes the forms of Reality, Consciousness and Bliss,

Nisprapancaya Shantaya

Who is never absent and is full of peace,

Niralambaya Tejase

Independent in existence, the vital essence of illumination.

Om Namah Shivaya Gurave

The very first part of the chant is a Maha mantra, or great mantra. Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most widely used mantras in the world of yoga. It has been given to students by gurus and teachers throughout time. It is extremely effective to use in meditation, and a powerful phrase to recall when you need support.


OM, of course, is the primordial sound. It is the sound of the Universe experiencing itself. It is vibrating within everything. When you sing or chant OM, you are simply participating in something that always is.

OM contains within it all beginnings, every end, and all things in between. AUM is another way to write it. There are three parts to it: The ‘Ah’ sound signifies creation, or beginnings. U, or the ‘oooh’ sound is the sustaining factor, while ‘mmmm’ is the dissolution or end. So these three parts are contained in each moment, because OM is always present. The fourth aspect of OM is silence.

NAMAH is a deep honoring. It means to bow, yet it is a bow like no other – one that comes fully from the heart. It’s the awe you feel when you see great beauty like an ocean sunrise or a sparkling mountain lake. It is the gratitude within divine love, or the wonder and miracle of a perfect starlit night.

SHIVAYA comes from the word Shiva, which literally means ‘auspicious’. Shivaya describes the intrinsic goodness that exists within all things, because it is the nature of the energy that pulses and penetrates, creates and absorbs, all that is. Truly, at the essence of every being and every part of creation, there is this auspiciousness. That is Shiva.

Om Namah Shivaya Tattoo

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, then can be described in many ways, but here are some of my favorites:

I bow to the power that is within me but not from me

I honor the goodness in myself and in the universe.

Om Namah Shivaya Youtube

May I reveal and express the highest part of my heart.

I bow to Shiva – I bow to all of creation

I bow to the goodness within myself

I honor the goodness of my True Self

……………………and so on and so on and so on

GURAVE contains the word GURU, which is generally translated as “That which brings light to darkness”.


Gurave refers to the Guru Principle, which lives as us, through us, and in everyone else. This is the highest self; the light at the seed of every heart. And it shows up everywhere!

“If you know how to listen, everyone is the guru.” – Ram Das

So, Om Namah Shivaya Gurave teaches the foundational principles: Consciousness is in everything. One energy pervades all, its essence is goodness, and it is constantly guiding us.

Sachidananda Murtaye

This line describes the elements that compose all that is. The first word combines the three aspects of the energy of the universe – Sat Chit Ananda.

MURTAYE describes taking form. It derives of the word Murtie, which can be thought of as a form, image, or manifest thing of divinity and power. So the line basically says that Sat Chit Ananda has taken form.

SAT, CHIT, and ANANDA are the elements which comprise the all pervading goodness referred to in Om Namah Shivaya. Let’s break them down individually.

Some ways to think of “Sat”:

Being / Reality / Existance

Some descriptions of “Chit”:

Consciousness / Pure being with awareness / The power to Know

Attempts at describing “Ananda”:

The highest, supreme bliss / Pure delight / The power of ecstasy itself

Om Namah Shivaya Meaning English

Nisprapanchaya Shantaya

This line affirms that this guiding goodness that is reality, consciousness and bliss, is never absent. It is truly ALWAYS there. We sometimes forget, but that doesn’t change the fact that we ARE this energy, and it never for a moment ceases to support us.

NISPRAPANCHAYA describes transcending limitation. In this line it is a formless quality that surrounds and penetrates all with Shantaya.

SHANTAYA is a deep, abiding peace. Shanti is peace. Shantaya is a realm of peace; an ultimate peacefulness that is complete and all pervading.

Niralambaya Tejase

This line further describes Shiva, or the auspicious energy that Is, as completely free and illuminated.

NIRALAMBAYA means without support. Source has no outside support because there is nothing other than Source. It is completely free from limitation for it is all that is.

TEJASE is a light that is always present, even if we can’t see it. It is the fire of passion, the luminous divinity that is in every heart. It is the spark of the conception of a new being, the sparkling beauty that shines out through all of creation and within the meditative realms. It is the purest, most powerful light, and it is beaming its goodness within you!

Why we sing?

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We sing this Invocation as a way to connect to the deepest truth, most profound peace, and brightest light of who we are and what we’re a part of. We sing to align with the highest intention, to remember who we really are, and to celebrate the wonder of life.

May your experience and understanding of this matra guide you on your path of light !


ॐ नमः शिवाय॥

Om Namah Shivaya॥

मन्त्र का अनुवाद

हे शिव! आपको बार-बार प्रणाम है। आपकी जय हो।

Translation of the Mantra

I bow to Shiva. Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all.

Shiva Moola Mantra

“Wear rudraksha beads, repeat the Panchakshara, let your heart grow soft and melt. Chant the letters five, and in love you will discover Siva’s will. Chant so that impurities, anxieties and doubts are destroyed.” These are what some pious holy priests had said to our equally pious ancestors.

This is what will be said on the regular religious program on TV during advertisements on channels such as Aastha or Aaj Tak. This is what will be encouraged on the minds of ascetics for them to achieve inner solace and enlightenment. This is what will be the general and common preaching of any Shaivite or devotee of Lord Shiva.

Let’s chant the holy words of devotion, Om Namah Shivaya.

This mantra is said to be the heart of all the Vedas and Tantras. Om Namah Shivaya is found, quite literally,in the middle of the Vedas, in the Rudram. In the Agamas its meaning is elaborated upon.

Natchintanai says that,

“Namah Shivaya is in truth both Agama and Veda. Namah Shivaya represents all mantras and Tantras. Namah Shivaya is our souls, our bodies and possessions. Namah Shivaya has becomeour sure protection.”

It is difficult to give a clear meaning to the mantra. The easy exposition of it would be “Om, I bow to Shiva”. But this interpretation does not do it justice. Shiva means Auspicious, so it could be said that the Om Namah Shivaya mantra means bowing to the auspiciousness. Shiva however should be understood in the fuller context, and not in the overly simplistic picture that is typically given in books and websites as a god of destruction.

In Shaivism and other Hindu systems, Shiva is the formless transcendental Being (often called Paramashiva), the Divine source. This is the source that rests in each and everyone. It is not a god seperate from yourself, it is the core being of yourself. Nothing external or separate from you, rather it is your heart of hearts. More important than the literal translated meaning of this mantra is it’s sound, it’s vibration. Just as with all mantras the sound of it is more important than its literal meaning. This mantra is also known as the five syllabled mantra – Panchakshari Mantra, for it consists of five syllables, Na – Ma – Shi – Va – Ya. The start of the mantra, Om, does constitute as a syllable because it is the Mahabija, the great seed from which all other mantras and sounds arose. The syllables within the mantra are said to have a range of meanings and attributes.

Let’s view the words of another holy priest about the Om Namah Shivaya mantra. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami writes that,

‘Na is the Lord’s concealing grace, Ma is the world, Shi stands for Siva, Va is His revealing grace, Ya is the soul.’ He continues,elaborating,that,”the five elements, too, are embodied in this ancient formula for invocation. Na is earth, Ma is water, Shi is fire, Va is air, and Ya is ether, or akāsa. Many are its meanings.”

Paramahamsa Muktananda also eloquently explains this point and tells of how the Om Namah Shivaya mantra benefits ones mind and spiritual path, he speaks of the nadi’s, the channels of pranas and the purity of mind. Repeating this mantra rids the mind of tamas and rajas, making it suitable for lofty spiritual experience.

Paramahamsa Muktanandaji has said the following words in relation to the Om Namah Shivaya mantra:-

“Underlying this mantra is a great secret. As we chant the five syllables Namah Shivaya, the five elements that comprise the body are purified. Each of the syllables corresponds to one of these elements: the syllable na to the earth element, the syllable ma to the water element, the syllable shi to the fire element, the syllable va to the air element, and the syllable ya to the ether element. Each syllable purifies its corresponding element. As long as the body and the mind are not completely pure, we cannot fully benefit from our spiritual practice. Therefore, we repeat Om Namah Shivaya to help cleanse them.”

In a certain Yoga Magazine, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati has expounded somewhat on the vibrational quality of the mantra and its relationship with the main chakras, he says 12 tenses in urdu grammar with examples.

“When we repeat the mantra Om Namah Shivaya, for example, we are not becoming a Shaivite, we are not adoring or worshipping a deity, but we are stimulating the force of these different chakras. ” Om” is the sound of ajna chakra which is responsible for clarity, for creativity, for the intuitive faculty of mind. Ya or Yam is the mantra of anahata, Va or Vam is the mantra of swadhisthana. Similarly Na, Ma, Sha are different sounds or syllables corresponding to the different chakras.”

Subramuniyaswami again offers some elucidation on the mantra’s relationship with the chakras, and other matters such as prana and the astral. The sage says that

“When Om Namah Shivaya is repeated, we go through the chakras, Na Ma Si Va Ya Aum. The Aum is in the head chakra. Within Namah Sivaya is each of the elements–earth, water, fire,air and ether–which in the mind are transmuted into all-pervasive consciousness, and that is also transmuted into the great chakra way above the head at the end of the Aum. In just the breath, the space of time between the next repetition of “Aum Namah Sivaya Aum Namah Sivaya Aum Namah Sivaya,” the pranas, having reached Parashiva, fall back into the spiritual, mental, astral and physical worlds, blessing them all with new energy, new life and new understanding. “Namah Sivaya Aum, Namah Sivaya Aum, Namah Sivaya Aum, Namah Sivaya Aum” is the constant process of life. It is the essence of life itself.”

It is really only in the repeating of this mantra, whether aloud or mentally, that a true taste of what it is can be had.

For the Om Namah Shivaya mantra is the sole passage towards attaining the blessings of Lord Shiva. For these are the sole holy words towards attaining enlightenment and peace of mind. And this,is the vital secret behind this very mantra. Now we must have gained some knowledge as to why it is indeed,so very vital .

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